Custom Battery Cables

  • Are you looking for top-quality custom cables? If you need a battery cable provider, look no further than Cloom!
  • Our team has the experience and skills required to build a custom battery cable that fits any application.
  • Furthermore, our team will send it to your address as soon as possible. Therefore, feel free to contact our battery cable production experts with your order today!

A Reliable Partner

  • We have vast experience in working with global brands and blue-chip customers and our application expertise will meet your requests for any use!

Design Versatility

  • Is it a basic construction or complex custom battery cable assemblies? Our design concepts suit the desired battery cable size and features.

An Expert Team

  • Do you need professional customer cables? Cloom works with experts who have vast experience with cable design.

The Main Characteristics of Our Battery Cable Products

 Cloom makes configurations of battery cables with the following characteristics:
  • We make certified AWG battery cables. Therefore, they will be in line with the American Wire Gauge requirements.
  • Our team makes an oxygen-free copper battery cable. You’ll appreciate tinned copper because it protects the cable from corrosion.
  • The dry rating is from -40C to 105C. Furthermore, the wet rating is up to 75C.
  • Our products have suitable marine compliance. They are compliant with BC-5W2 marine regulations.
  • The cables have a 600V PVC oil-resistant jacket. Furthermore, it’s flexible and soft.
You can find the cables in eight different sizes. Furthermore, you can pick from translucent black and red colors.

Battery Cable Assemblies At Cloom

Cloom is your reliable custom cable builder.
  • Ring to ring assemblies. You can pick from brass and copper as the desired material. Furthermore, it’s possible to choose between different plating combinations.
  • Ground/flat strap assemblies. For ground straps, you can pick flat and round wires. On the other hand, pick lead casting, open barrel, or stamped thimble for the terminal.
  • Booster assemblies. The available wire gauges are 2, 4, 6, and 8 for the co-extruded wire. Therefore, this can be excellent for power distribution through a vehicle in tight applications.
  • Fused assemblies. The sealed integral has an IP67 rating. Furthermore, you can choose between 105C and 125C heat options.
  • In-lined fused assemblies. If you think overloads can be an issue, you can go with these cables. Furthermore, we can insert an entire holder line if you specify it in your order.
  • Tapered Post Battery Cable Assemblies. You can choose from the following post terminals:
    • Lead casting. These tapered post terminals can have a reinforcement ring made of stainless steel. On the other hand, you can order castings without it. Additionally, the wires go from eight to 4/0.
    • Stamped brass. These terminals offer RoHs compliance. Furthermore, you can gauge from six to two.
    • Forged bronze. Users can select from multiple choices.You can pick different heat shrinkage options. Therefore, they will meet your application needs.
    • You can pick different heat shrinkage options. Therefore, they will meet your application needs.
  • Molded Maintenance-Free Cables. The main advantage of these setups is that they work better in harsh conditions. So, we crimp the cables to the terminals and then use PVC encapsulation. Therefore, you can expect weather resistance to keep the terminal’s electrical performance. Furthermore, Cloom offers waterproof cables for various uses.
An emergency kit for cars

Design Customized Custom Made Battery Cables

Here is a choice of configurations for series and parallel applications
  • Terminal. You can pick from the flag, in-line, and straight types. Furthermore, there are non-stackable and stackable variants. You can even order lead wires.
  • Starter styles. Our customers can pick from single and multiple battery designs. Furthermore, in-line and flag types are available.
  • Battery box jumper cables. We offer side and top post designs. Additionally, you can pick from hook-ups for two or more batteries.
  • Protective Coverings.  Their purpose is to keep the setups safe from heat, flame, abrasion, fuel, and other damaging factors. So, we use various materials for the convoluted conduit. That includes polyethylene, polypropylene, or nylon. Additionally, we use a thermal sleeve, heater hose, and other protective materials. Furthermore, you can order battery terminal covers if necessary.

Manufacturer Solutions
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